Nossa Equipe

Rodrigo Chagas Soares


Foto Rodrigo Chagas Soares
Degree in Law at the University Center of Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU) - 2005. PhD in Labor Law and Social Security from the Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Master in Labor Law at PUC/SP. Accumulates specializations in Labor Law (PUC/SP), Negotiation (FGV/PEC) and Business Law (FMU). Professor of Collective Labor Law at INSPER and guest professor of Labor Law at PUC/SP. Author of the book “Free Collective Labor Negotiation with the Company's Workers Committee (Editora LTr, 2015) and co-author of the works “Fundamental Rights Applied to Union Law” (Editora LTr, 2014) and “Labor Reform in Practice Annotated and Commented” (Mizuno Publishing, 2020).

